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  • Writer's pictureFazli Rahmat

What Happened to the Tuas TV World After the Filming Set Was Abandoned in Singapore?

Updated: May 1

Tuas TV World was the go-to filming location for Channel 8's Chinese dramas. Film sets were designed to imitate a real town before CGI. The set, which was built in the early 1990s, was supposed to seem like Singapore in the 1950s and 1960s.

Tuas TV World thrived as a film set in the 1990s, but modern production expenses and expectations eventually caught up with it. It was eventually taken over as a training facility by the Singapore Police Force in 2002. In 2012, the last film set to adorn Tuas TV World was released.

Today, the set has close permanently and it was then left abandoned ever since.

UPDATED: The Tuas TV World is set to be demolish by Q2 2024.

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